The medications proven safe and effective, and currently approved by the TGA for PrEP in healthy adults at risk of acquiring HIV infection, are the fixed-dose combination of TD* and FTC in a single daily dose. Therefore, TD*/FTC or other generic versions of TD*/FTC are the recommended medications that should be prescribed for PrEP for MSM, transgender and gender-diverse people, heterosexuals and PWID who meet recommended criteria. TDF alone has been proven effective in trials with people who inject drugs and heterosexuals (with efficacy comparable to TDF/FTC) (19). As a result, WHO recommends that TDF alone can be considered as an alternative regimen in these specific populations. TDF alone is not recommended as PrEP for MSM, because no trials have been performed to assess the efficacy of this regimen in MSM.
There have been some overseas reports of HIV seroconversion in MSM taking unprescribed antiretroviral medication for PrEP (20).