Useful Resources and Websites


The Drama Downunder 
This national testing and treatment campaign for homosexually active men includes an email or SMS partner notification service and referral information for testing sites. Patients can also sign up for SMS or email reminders for their next sexual health check. It is managed by the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO).

Better to know
This website is aimed at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and provides information on BBVs and STIs, a state-based clinic directory and a partner notification tool. It is managed by the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO).

Let Them Know
This website helps people diagnosed with chlamydia, gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma genitalium, syphilis and trichomonas inform their sexual partners by email or SMS and provides tips on how to have the conversation in person. It was developed by the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre.


Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine, RACP
• Includes clinical services and training.

Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM)
• Provides clinical guidelines, resources and training.

Australian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID)Management of Perinatal Infection
• Provides clinical guidelines, resources and training.

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO)
• Provides education, policy and advocacy.

Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL)
• Provides education, policy and advocacy on issues related to people who use or have used injecting or illicit drugs.

Family Planning Alliance Australia
• Provides contact details for Family Planning in each State and Territory
• Provides a series of patient factsheets on a range of sexual health topics

Federal Privacy Commissioner
• Performs functions covered under the Privacy Act 1988, which regulates the way in which personal information can be collected, how it is kept secure, and how it is used and disclosed.

HIV, Hepatitis & STI Education and Resource Centre
• Online resources and factsheets.

Multicultural HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C Service (MHAHS)
• Provides clinical support (in NSW only), community development and education and media services.

Multicultural Women’s Advocacy & Support (WA)
• Provides clinical support (in NSW only), community development and education and media services.

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)
•National leadership body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health in Australia.

National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS (NAPWHA)
• Provides education, advocacy and policy

The Kirby Institute
• Up-to-date Australian surveillance data and reports.

Australian STI Management Guidelines for Use in Primary Care
• Provides a concise and current reference for the recommended treatments for Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs).

National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance (NNDS) – Department of Health
• For information on nationally notifiable diseases.

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre Treatment Guidelines
• Provides a concise and current reference for the recommended treatments for Sexually Transmissible Infections (STls).

STI/HIV Testing Tool; Easy as 1-2-3
• Quick reference tool for GPs and other primary care clinicians containing helpful tips on how to conduct contact tracing and routinely test for STIs.

NSW STI Programs Unit:
• Australian Sexually Transmitted Infection & HIV Testing Guidelines 2019 for asymptomatic men who have sex with men

The Australian Immunisation Handbook 

Australian National Initiatives from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care:

• Fourth National Sexually Transmissible Infections Strategy 2018–2022

 Eighth National HIV Strategy 2018-2022
• Fifth National Hepatitis C (HCV) Strategy 2018-2022
 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible     Infections Strategy 2018-2022
National BBV and STI Surveillance and Monitoring Plan 2018-2022

National Drug Strategy 2017-2026

• Hepatitis A National Guidelines for Public Health Units


State and Territory Guidelines

WA Silver Book - STI/BBV Management Guidelines
The guidelines deal with the syndromic approach to STIs, as well as management of the notifiable STIs and a range of non-notifiable STIs

State and Territory Specialist contact tracing services

ACT: Canberra Sexual Health Clinic: (02) 6244 2184
NSW: NSW Sexual Health Infolink: (02) 9382 7681

Northern Territory: Clinic 34: (08) 8999 2678
Queensland: HIV Public Health Team: (07) 3328 9797
South Australia: Clinic 275: (08) 8222 2523
Tasmania: Tasmania Health: (03) 6166 0655
Victoria: Partner Notification Support Unit: (03) 9096 3367
Western Australia: Partner Notification Officers (08) 9222 8549 or (08) 9222 8577 OR Metropolitan Communicable Disease Control (08) 9222 8588

New Zealand;
•Contact local sexual health service

Syphilis Register

Queensland - 1800 032 238
South Queensland email - [email protected]
North Queensland email -  [email protected]
South Australia Syphilis Register 1300 232 272
NT Syphilis Register - Darwin (08) 8922 7818; Alice Springs (08) 8951 7552


 Page last updated October 2022