The ASHM Contact Tracing Guidelines Panel recommends that daily TD*/FTC should be recommended by clinicians as a crucial HIV-prevention strategy for all people who are at risk of HIV infection, that is, men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender people, heterosexual men and women, and people who inject drugs.
The ASHM Contact Tracing Guidelines Panel endorses the recent recommendation by WHO that on-demand† PrEP should be offered to cis-gender MSM (15).
On-demand† PrEP is recommended only for cis-gender MSM because its efficacy is yet to be determined in all other populations at risk of HIV infection. On-demand† PrEP would be a suitable choice for cisgender MSM who express a preference for on-demand† PrEP, who have at-risk sex less than twice a week and who can plan ahead for at-risk sex at least 2 hours in advance.
The ASHM Contact Tracing Guidelines Panel recommends that caution be used in recommending on-demand† versus daily PrEP to adolescent MSM because there have been no trials of on-demand† PrEP in adolescent MSM and because adherence rates to daily PrEP have been consistently low in studies of adolescent MSM (19, 20).
† The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has not approved this regimen in Australia.